
  1. Line Departments
  2. Water Bodies – Irrigation and Revenue Departments
    No building / development activity shall be allowed in the bed of water bodies like river or nala and in the Full Tank Level (FTL) of any lake, pond, cheruvu or kunta / shikam lands.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      Unless and otherwise stated, the area and the Full Tank Level (FTL) of a Lake / Kunta shall be reckoned as measured and as certified by the Irrigation Department and Revenue Department.
      • Green Bullets to represent list of sub items
        The above water bodies and courses shall be maintained as Recreational/Green Buffer Zone and no building activity shall be carried out within:
      • 100m from the boundary of the River outside the Municipal Corporation / Municipality / Nagara Panchayat limits and 50m with in the Municipal Corporation / Municipality / Nagara Panchayat limits. The boundary of the river shall be as fixed and certified by the Irrigation Department and Revenue Department.
      • 30m from the FTL boundary of Lakes / Tanks / Kuntas of area 10Ha and above.
      • 9m from the FTL boundary of Lakes / Tanks / Kuntas of area less than 10Ha / shikam lands;
      • 9m from the defined boundary of Canal, Vagu, Nala, Storm Water Drain of width more than 10m.
      • 2m from the defined boundary of Canal, Vagu, Nala, Storm Water Drain of width up to 10m.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      Unless and otherwise specified in the Master Plan / Zonal Development Plan.
      • In case of (ii) (1) & (2) above, the buffer zone may be utilised for road of minimum 12m width, wherever feasible.
      • In case of (ii) (2) above, in addition to development of recreational / green belt along the foreshores, a ring road or promenade of minimum 12m may be developed, wherever feasible.
      • The above buffer zone to be left may be reckoned as part of tot lot or organized open land and not for setback requirements.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of Protection of Catchment area of Osmansagar and Himayatsagar lakes covered under the G.O.Ms.No.111 MA dated 08.03.1996, the restrictions on building and development activity imposed there in shall be applicable in Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) area.
  3. Water pipeline – HMWSSB/Mission Bhaghiratha
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of site falling in the vicinity of water pipe line prior permission shall be obtained from concerned authority (HMWSSB/Mission Bhaghiratha).
  4. Railways- Railways Department
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      The distance between the Railway Property Boundary and the edge of the building if more than 30m as per Indian Railways Works Manual No Objection Certificate (NOC) given by the Railway Authorities.
  5. Electrical Lines – Energy Department (TSTRANSCO)
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of sites in the vicinity of High-Tension Electricity Transmission Lines besides taking other safety precautions, a minimum safety distance (both vertical and horizontal) of 3m shall be maintained between the building and the High Tension Electricity Lines and 1.5m shall be maintained between the building and the Low Tension Electricity Lines.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of Electricity Tower lines, the land all along below the tower line shall be developed as green belt to an extent of the width of tower base and on either side of green belt there shall be a minimum of 10m wide roads or as defined in the Master Plan.
  6. Airport – Airports Authority of India
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      For building activity within the Restricted Zone / Air Funnel Zone near the airport, necessary clearance from the concerned Airport Authority shall be obtained.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      The building heights and other parameters shall be regulated as per the stipulations of the Airport Authority of India as notified in Gazette of India Extraordinary (S.O.1589) dated 30-06-2008 and as amended from time to time by Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      All buildings of height more than 18 mtrs shall be referred to Airport Authority of India
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      Irrespective of their distance from the aerodrome, even beyond 22km limit from the Aerodrome Reference Point, no radio masts or similar installation exceeding 152m in height shall be erected except with the prior clearance from Civil Aviation Authorities.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In respect of any land located within 1000m from the boundary of Military Airport no building is allowed except with prior clearance from the concerned airport authority with regard to building height permissible and safe distance to be maintained between the building and boundary of the aerodrome.
  7. Other Structures
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      No chimneys or smoke producing factories shall be constructed within a radius of 8km from the Airport Reference Point.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      Slaughter House, Butcheries, Meat shops and Solid Waste Disposal Sites and other areas for activities like depositing of garbage which may encourage collection of high flying birds, like eagles and hawks, shall not be permitted within 10 km from the Airport Reference Point.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      Within a 5km radius of the Aerodrome Reference Point, every structure/installation/building shall be designed so as to meet the pigeon/bird proofing requirement of the Civil Aviation Authorities. Such requirement may stipulate the prohibition of any cavity, niche, or other opening on the exterior of such building/installation/structure so as to prevent the nesting and habitation of pigeon or other birds.
  8. Provisions laid under EIA Notification-2006 – TSPCB(SEIAA)
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      Buildings and Constructions Projects ≥ 20,000 sq.mtrs and 1,50,000sq.mtrs of built up area and Townships and development Projects (Layout) covering an area ≥ 50 hectares or built up area ≥ 1,50,000 sq.mtrs shall obtain Environmental Clearance from SEIAA of TSPCB.
  9. Defense Establishments – Defence Authority
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of Sites within 500m distance from the boundary of Defense Areas / Military Establishments prior clearance of Defense Authority shall be obtained.
  10. Oil / Gas Pipelines – Concerned Gas/Oil Companies
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of Sites in the vicinity of Oil / Gas pipelines, clearance distance and other stipulations of the Respective Authority shall be complied with. The Oil / Gas Authorities shall also specify the clearances required stretch wise to Local Body.
  11. Protected Monuments – National Monument Authority and State Archaeological Department
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of Sites located within the distance up to 100m from protected monuments as notified under Archeological Monuments and Ancient Sites and Remains Act 1955 and as amended no construction is allowed.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      For the Sites located within distance of above 100m and up to 200m from the protected monuments, the construction is allowed only after obtaining prior permission from the National Monument Authority.
  12. Heritage Structures – Heritage Conservation Committee
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      For the Sites located within the vicinity of any Heritage Structure notified as per the respective law, the prior clearance from the concerned authority (Heritage Conservation Committee) shall be obtained.
  13. Fire NOC – Fire Services Department
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      Application shall be referred to Director General State Disaster and Fire Services Department or his authorized officer, if the height of the building is or higher than 18 mts for residential buildings, 15 mts and above and buildings of public congregation like Educational buildings, Cinema theatre, Function Hall and Other Assembly buildings on plot area of 500 Sqmts and above or of height 6.00 mts.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      The Fire Department shall examine and report either shortfall or clearance within the respective time limits.
  14. Tree felling – Excise and Forest Department
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of felling the income generating trees for development/construction of building prior permission shall be obtained from Forest Department.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of felling of toddy trees for development/construction of building prior shall be obtained from Excise Department.
  15. NOC for Cinema theatres/Multiplexes – Police Department (Traffic)
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of construction of cinema theaters/ multiplexes prior permission shall be obtained from Commissioner of Police (Traffic) prior to construction activity.
  16. Religious Structures
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      In case of Sites located within a radius of 100m from the notified religious structure as given in the list in Annexure – VII of Building Rules GO MS 168 Dt 07.04.2012/ notified from time to time, the construction is allowed up to 10m height only.
    • Green Tick to represent list of items
      For the Sites located within a radius of above 100m and up to 300m from the notified religious structure as given in the list in Annexure– VII of Building Rules GO MS 168 Dt 07.04.2012/ notified from time to time, only non-high rise structures are allowed.
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Deepwork Technologies Private Limited